Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Nga Whanau Koru 
by Room 7

We drew koru to represent our family. Some of us included our grandparents, parents, brothers and sisters. After that we wove a meat skewer into our art - that was tricky!

We are really proud of our art.....come and see it in the hall.

Hot Chips!!!!
Room 7 won a hot chip lunch for bringing back their notices first.

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Room 7 Treaty

Room 7 Treaty
Room 7 have discussed what we need to do to make our classroom a great place to be. Here is our class treaty.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Welcome to Room 7

Hello, Room 7 and Room 7 families for 2018. 

Welcome to Year 3 and Mataī  Team!

I am excited to be teaching your child this year and look forward to delivering an enriching and rewarding programme which challenges them.

We will build on the early reading and writing skills already established, as well as increasing mathematical skills, to give Room 7 students a great foundation for future learning. I am passionate about helping students to enjoy learning and reach their potential. We will regularly practise and celebrate our school expectations of 'Positivity, Respect, and Initiative'. Of course the best progress is made when the home and school work together, so I look forward to working with you this year to help your child meet with success.

This is our classroom blog where we will post updates on the goings on in Room 7, links, notices, as well as some learning the students have done. At the top right is a box where you can enter your email address to follow the blog. This means you will get email updates when there is a post, rather than having to keep checking. There is also a 'Things to Know' page at the top left where you can check the regular goings-on, such as lunch orders and swimming days. 

The blog address is http://greenbay2018room7.blogspot.co.nz/

I am looking forward to working with you this year.

Kind regards,

Lorraine Sauvarin

Mataī Syndicate | Team Leader